Tuesday 21 July 2015


Before I go on to talk about the main subject of this post, I'd like to share with you a few shots taken at my family's BBQ for my parent's silver wedding anniversary:

Now, onto the big story. 

For the past couple of years, I have been contemplating applying for University. For a few reasons, I never actuated on any of my plans of applying. Reasons including the fact I hadn't gotten the grades in the subjects required for course entry, I never even studied them.

This year however, I decided it was now or never. I booked myself an open day viewing back in May and attended in early June. That day was a turning point.

The facilities, equipment, environment, lecturers and the course itself where all very impressive. I instantly felt I was on the right path, that this is what I should do and where I should be.

So, shortly after I rather dishearteningly (because I was so late) began applying. I never really believed I had much of a chance, I applied up to 6 months later than the first applicants, I didn't have any of the required grades and for an entire month, the incompetence of the College in which I last studied, meant I couldn't send of the application, for lack of referral.

Finally, with just four days until the application deadline, I was able to send of my application.

Around three weeks later, I had received an offer. How? Well, despite all of my shortfalls, I did have one saving grace, my portfolio. Accompanying my application was an email with links to my Flickr portfolio album, this blog, my Etsy shop and my instagram profile. 

Thankfully, and rather flatteringly, they was impressed enough by my portfolio alone to offer me the place.

I accepted the offer yesterday, I start this September.

More from the BBQ:


Monday 6 July 2015

'Trashed ashore' - Photo project

After a rather long hiatus, I am back with another blog post!

Within today's post, I'd like to share with you the photo project I recently shot and published on my Flickr page. For the project, I set off, camera in hand, to the banks of the River Thames here at Cliffe.

I wanted to capture and display the amount of rubbish that has and continues to accumulate on the banks of the Thames here. The more commonly visited section of what is known, to myself at least, as the 'Sea wall' is tidy in comparison to what lies further around the shore. Shattered glass, used needles, dead mice, rats, birds and a whole other host of nasty attractions are commonplace, in an area which is supposedly a nature reserve.

Caught littering in an area wardens patrol? A hefty fine could be headed your way. All the while, literal tons of rubbish sits festering, out of site and out of mind.

Why doesn't anyone do anything about the rubbish? I'm not sure, but I believe something should be done.

Check out the photos, here. And remember, these weren't taken in the worst parts, I ran out of time before I could reach those areas.

Thank you for reading!